Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Humble Beginnings

Every story has a beginning. This is mine.  I was 32, and more or less, a couch potato. I've always carried an extra 30-40 pounds but it didn't bother me (much). Sure, I would secretly day dream about wearing a bikini, but I wasnt unhappy. Then, in 2010, I gained almost 50 pounds in under a year. Suddenly, I was closer to 100 pounds overweight, tired and completely miserable. 

Determined to slim down, early in 2011, I joined Weight Watchers and started exercising. Month after month, I was devastated to see that I wasn't losing any weight... in fact, I was still gaining! After seeing a dozen doctors, I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease that makes weight loss very difficult. I was started on thyroid medication and over the next 12 months, I only lost 12 pounds.

Frustrated, in June of 2012, I fired my endocrinologist and got a new doctor. She increased my medication and FINALLY, I'm losing weight!   I've lost 19 pounds and I'm feeling better than ever. But, I need to lose a lot more to get into that bikini I've been dreaming of.    

So, last month, when my friend Amanda mentioned training for a triathlon, I said YES without hesitating. I believe the training will help me shed the weight and give me a concrete goal.

I have 9 months.  What have I gotten myself into...?


  1. Go for it. And don't let anyone or anything stop you!

    1. Thanks, Dustin! That's awesome advice :)
      I've been swimming about a month and it's going well so far.

  2. I'm so excited about you're journey Jules! You and i share a similar story so i totally understand what you ate talking about. I've decided to do something similar, not a triathlon, but I've started running (jogging to daddy the least). I'm proud of you for making the choice to so it. Keep us posted i will make me a sign and cheer you on from the sidelines. Go Jules!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Lekeisha! I guess all that matters is that we start, right? :)

  3. Awesome Jules! I just said that I'd love to do a triathlon recently. I think it will be a goal of mine in the future. I think I'll get a couple of 5Ks down first and go from there. So great to hear of your success after a struggle!

    1. I've done 5Ks off and on for years (I'm not fast, but I don't care!) and haven't swam since I was a kid. For me the main challenge is to get fit and build endurance. And I'm terrified of the bike. But I've got 9 months to get un-scared.
