Sunday, September 16, 2012


The best part of training for a tri is that everyday, I do something that makes me feel proud of myself.  Starting as a beginner on all three sports means that there are almost limitless opportunities to improve.

I've been swimming for 2 months. I've gone from barely being able to swim 400 M to swimming my first mile (1600M) last weekend.  When I first started swimming, I'd stop every 25M and spend a minute gasping for air.  Now, I swim 50 or 100M, take a quick 10-15 second breather, and continue.
It's amazing to see the progress I've made so far, and I've got 8 months until my race. I'm sure it'll be incredible to look back at theses posts once I'm "race day ready" and able to swim 800M continuously, bike 19 miles and run 3.2 miles.

I've made a TON of progress this week in all three sports. 

Last weekend, after swimming my first mile, I also went on a 5 mile bike ride. It started pouring rain, so the second half of my ride was very soggy, but I didn't stop!  I charged up two hills with burning thigh muscles and soggy sneakers.  For a lot of people, a 5 mile bike ride is no big deal.  But just two weeks ago, I was terrified of riding a bike and hadnt ridden in 8 years.  A 5 mile ride was a major accomplishment! I looked like a drowned rat, but I was grinning from ear to ear by the time I was done. I was proud of myself!

I also went for a 4.2 mile walk on the Beltline (finally paved)- the longest walk I've done so far. 

I'm progressing and getting stronger day by day. In the end, that's all that matters. I'm starting to feel like an athlete. And that feels amazing.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My new wheels...

ERMERGERD, blogosphere!  I got a lot of feedback from my last blog about being afraid of the bike.  A few of you mentioned I should use a hybrid bike for my first tri (or even first few!) and I've decided that's exactly what I'm going to do! 

Yesterday, I decided to check out my local bike shop, Outback Bikes in L5P. I made fast friends with Jesse and told him about my plans to do my first tri this spring. I told him my fears (wiping out, death) and about the herniated disc in my lower back. He pulled down two hybrid bikes and said "these are what you want." With their upright design, he assured me they would reduce the pressure on my lower back and give me a more comfortable ride.

After a test ride and some little adjustments, I walked out with my brand new hybrid bike!

Isn't she a beauty?

I feel like I should name her or something.(Or is that only for boats?)

I took it out on a short inaugural ride yesterday afternoon.  I haven't ridden a bike in almost 8 years and forgot how hard it can be.  Cycling is no joke. My thighs were burning on my first hill and it defintely raised my heartrate!

I rode a leisurely 1.5 Miles in 11 minutes. My top speed of 12.4 MPH felt like flying!  I realize that I have a long way to ride 19 miles non-stop. But I will get there... one step at a time.

As for yesterday, the sun was shining, the breeze was gentle, and Tom Petty was playing on my iPhone. And for about a minute, I found myself relaxed, smiling and enjoying the ride... just like my brother said I might.